If you don't want to be flooded, live in this house! - Post not sponsored by anything.

Hello everyone! Before we get started, I have something to explain. I know my blog looks different. It's not an accident. I did it myself. If you're wondering where all the little gadgets went, the about me one has been updated and is sitting below the title, Search is the magnifying glass up and to the right of the title, and everything else, like Translate (new!), a list of dictionary's (new!) contributors, that calender of posts thingy, the cloud of labels, Report Abuse, Recent comments, and total views, are all in the three lines button up and left from the title. If you want to follow, it isn't at the bottom of the blog like it probably should be. Instead, it's in the menu under the three lines (anyone have a better name for it?). You can get email alerts as well (please do, or else everyone can see your full name) by clicking the button underdeath the about me. But now, onto what I made, a (not entirely) flood proof house! I made it using Tinkercad . On ...