"Welcome!" and "Commenting 2.0"

Hello everyone, and welcome to Term 3! First of all, I have realised that my blog comments seem to have been broken, and I am going to try to fix it. Hello! As with Term 2 (or was it the start of the year?), no time for a proper welcome post. Straight into work. And that work is improving a comment we made earlier today. Explanation below. Improving comments - Jacob On Jasmine's blog: Hi Jasmine, my name is Jacob, and I am a student in Manukau. That kea looks good, because of the detail. Maybe, if you do something like that again, you could make the stars smaller. I think that would look better. So, I made a comment on Jasmine's blog (link here ) earlier yesterday (so, before lunch), and then, later yesterday (so, after lunch), I SMRFed (remember? It means copy it and put it in the right Google Drive folder) the drawing above, put the comment in, and checked it against the criteria (the boxes in the middle that say things like "Does it convey meaning?")...