Hello again! Yes, my comments are still broken, but I have arranged with Mr Riceman to hopefully get it fixed very soon. We think it must have broke when I redesigned my blog. So, just beware, it might end up going a bit funny over the weekend while it gets fixed. Anyway, that isn't what I'm meant to dedicate this blog post to. So, over the last 3 weeks, Te Waka Ako has been doing a technology rotation. Firstly (these are in the same order as the title), we did Circuits (or Papertronics) in Manukau. For that we made a circuit (mine was a switch) out of a button battery, LED, tinfoil, and spilt pins. Then, it was Geoboards, where we nailed (what else?) nails into a piece of wood we sawed ourselves, so we could thread rubber bands on it. Lastly, it was the Technology/BP challenge, where me made a structure that could hold a marble out from a table. Which is not nearly as easy as it sounds. We did it to "use trial and error on ideas", "develop perseverance...