About my character, James

Last week, we made a character using Build your wild self (or, as it calls itself, BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLF ) and here it is. Vóila! We made a Y-Chart and a character description. Here is the Y-Chart: And now, here is the character description: hmm, change tabs, higlight, ctrl+c Looks James has combed back, blonde hair. His shirt is blue and his pants are greyish-brown. He is wearing pale colored, laced shoes. He is 100% human. Actions When James is not being a secretary to The Leader of The Opposition, whoever that might be, he is enjoying the sights in Wellington and exploring them. Oh, and of course talking and having his nose in a book about politics. His latest read is called “The history of The Opposition of the New Zealand Parliament ” by P. Olitics, published by the Parliamentary Press. Odd name, don’t you think so? He often goes to protests and sells signs for them. He also makes up jokes and plays with little children lots. He, every...